By the way, the new "Up and Tat 'Em" book has been selling like the proverbial hotcakes, so I haven't really had much time for anything outside of filling orders. I started this butterfly last week before the books arrived from the printer. Today, I'll have to go to the printer to order more copies, before I run out!
A wonderful response to your book! Congratulations!
I think the tatting and polymer clay look gorgeous, but I'm wondering how heavy the clay is, and will it cause the tatting to stretch? It would be perfect for an embellishment.
Love the butterfly! Colors so bright and beautiful!!!! :)
What a great idea, a combination of polymer clay and tatting!
i love it! i´m new doing things with polymer clay but i enjoy seeing pictures of works with this material
wow! so good idea!! It will beautiful!!
Oh my gosh that is going to be absolutely adorable, I just love it you are so talented!
Salut, tes travailles sont merveilleuses...trés originaux...trés, trés belle...
Gorgeous! I just got my copy of the book and will be trying out the "Five Petal Pendant" tonight while watching "Pride and Prejudice." :-) But my favorite pattern from the book is definitely the "Beguile Set" - the colors you used are absolute perfection, as is your tatting and the beautiful color pictures.
Thank you so much, everyone, for your encouragement!
To answer the question about the weight of the clay, I put the clay pieces on my postal scale and all the parts together weigh less than an ounce. The polymer clay thickness is between 3mm to 4mm and thicker where ornamentation is added on top. I like to use a size 10 or size 20 in a 6-cord (cordonnet) thread. That is a good strong thread. Tatting with a tight tension helps with keeping everything snug and firm. I haven't noticed problems with stretching in this type of work before.
I'm proud to say that Belle Armoire Jewelry published an article written by me, on the subject of combining polymer clay with tatting in their Winter 2009 issue:
That looks like great fun.
Once again an amazing work. You're really a genius!!!!
Aw, shucks - anyone who tats is a genius! We have to be, 'n so?
This is simply wonderful! My question though is, How do you keep the Polymer clay from breaking up later? I've made ornements from it and heaven help you if you drop them, unless they are tiny! None of my earrings made it through the first wearing...sigh.
BTW, I LOVE your new book! Got my copy the other day! Thanks for the autograph. ;-)
Beautiful colours! So bright and cheerful. I always think pink and green are great together. I particularly like that raspberry pink thread. And it's lovely to see a little peek of my "Romantique" shuttle there in the corner....
Oh, and I'll be getting your new book and would be delighted if you could sign it for me.
Thank you!
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