Happy Easter greetings! Best wishes to all!

The bunny in the photo is handmade, very easy. I don't have a pattern, but here is how to do it:
The body is just 2 ovals, larger at the bottom (like a long egg). Sew the 2 ovals together, leaving an opening for stuffing, and turn right side out. Stuff the top (head end) with fiberfill, and then put in dried beans to give weight to the bottom third of the body. Sew the opening closed.
The ears are just one long piece: an ear shape on each end with a straight strip in between. Cut 2 pieces of the same fabric as the body, sew, and turn right side out. Tie a knot in the straight part between the ears, and sew by hand to the top of the head.
Draw a face on the bunny with permanent makers. Cut a strip of colorful fabric, and tie around the bunny for a "bow tie". Finish with a small ribbon bow at the top between the ears. These bunnies can be different sizes for a whole family of bunnies :)
The egg in the photo is a satin egg from Handy Hands Tatting, with tatted lace pinned onto it.