Well, um, yes, sometimes the beads have a smaller hole than usual and they won't go on the thread.
You guessed it - the teardrop shaped bead broke when I tried to force it, and it was my last one in that color - panic! I need it to finish my necklace which is 2/3 done!
I can't go down to the local bead store because they are at the big bead show so - there's my excuse to go to the bead show...yeah, I know, as if I needed an excuse. (grin)

I'm so sorry you "have to go to the bead show"... my thoughts will be with you... find pretty beads!
I really am sorry your bead broke... such aggravation!
I like Diane am very sorry you must trudge to the bead show and be forced to search for beads!
I am also truly sorry that your bead broke. How frustrating. I hope you find one to match.
As much as I know it is so difficult for you to go into a gigantic room filled with all kinds of lovely, unique and amazingly beautiful beads I hope you can find it in your heart to have fun and seek for the positive in the situation and make lemonade out of the lemons before you....Poor dear....
:P Go have a ball, ya silly, we all know you're dying to go....LOL!
Thank you, Diane, tattycat, and tattingchic - wouldn't it be a much nicer world if breaking a bead was the worst problem anybody ever had?
Well, I happened to be very lucky to find the exact same beads, hurray! And - several people remarked on the tatted jewelry I was wearing. So some people got educated about tatting as well.
Glad to hear you found a match for you beads. Sounds like you had fun at the show.
Oh I really hope it was a good trip you had after all to that bead show now that you were forced to go there ;-D .
You did not happen to see anything nice besides getting more of that particular bead, am I right? (LOL)
Thank you Clyde and dantatter - yes, I did have a good time at the bead show - I think you would have enjoyed it too! Actually, I was trying to forget about going this year (since I always end up spending more than I really should). Then that last bead broke on the morning of the best bead shopping day - so I really was "forced" to go, LOL!
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