"Snowflake" is an idea I want to credit Tatty Patty, one of my Etsy buyers with. She asked if I could dye some thread with color inspiration coming from this snowflake photo site.
I did my best to come up with something that would give give an impression of being "cool like ice".

How's "Boutique Tatting" sound to you? It's all small items that would make good gifts, things you'd be delighted to find in a boutique. Some is jewelry, but there will be other treasures as well. Not all items will require beads. Of course I will feature my own HDT in the photos, but they would also look lovely tatted in white.
I am finishing up the 5th pattern so far. It's the most challenging that will appear in it, and takes up a whopping 5 pages of instruction in itself. I'm still tatting the model for the photo. I'm making it as a necklace, but the neck cord could be left off for a motif suitable for framing, sewing to a garment, etc. Most of the other patterns will need only one page. I am including my own hints on how I work with beads. So, some progress is slowly being made!
The names for the HDTs, suits them just nicely. And wonderful shades too.
And Boutique Tatting sounds good too. I admire the hard work that you put into your creations. I know they are all going to be beautiful.
Boutique Tatting is a very good name. The new thread looks like ice to me and the yellows are very striking. I need to go thread shopping!
The title sounds really nice, it gives the impression that one could sell them in a boutique if they made them, is that okay with you?
I LOVE love LOVE the purple and blue thread it is beautiful and does look "cool like ice". Oh, how I wish I was rich right now...LOL!
Thanks so much for your support, tatting friends! It's what keeps me going when the work seems overwhelming.
Forgot to mention, yes, I am giving permission for people to sell the items made using the patterns in my book. I've already got the page done where I give permission for them to make as many as they wish, sell them, give them away, etc. They just can't make copies of the book itself.
I really think tatting is worthy of the esteem given to contemporary "fine crafts" displayed in exclusive boutiques, and need not remain just a "quaint homey pastime" with little monetary value.
Both colors are beautiful, and I love the working title for your book!
The threads are very pretty. I think you did great with the "cool like ice".
The book title sounds great. Just perfect. I am so excited that you have made this important step. I'm sure we are all on pins and needles waiting for you to finish. I just know it is going to be fabulous!
The threads are great and I LOVE the title for the book!
You go girl!
The cool like ice thread is wonderful. I am really looking forward to your book and your title sounds perfect.
Thanks much! So glad you like the title I've chosen. Amazing how much more "focused" I feel, now that there is a title and theme.
I'm looking forward to your book, and look set to splurge on more threads then!
Thanks, singtatter. The idea hadn't occured to me that when the book finally comes out, I should have a good supply of HDT in the shop. My goodness, and I thought that I was busy already!
I just recently found your site. I am a new tatter and am so excited to finally have learned after YEARS of wanting to. I simply adore the snowflake yarn. It is so lovely. Do you sell it?
Congratulations on learning to tat, shelley jo! I answered your question about my HDT on your new blog. Glad you stopped by!
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