Met so many other wonderful lacemaking folks as well - such a full, delightful day!
I was impressed by the art glass work combined with tatting, and the electroformed enamel and copper tatting by Jennifer Halvorson.

Got to see - close up - loads and loads of beautiful handmade lace, both antique and contemporary. Many beautiful examples of lace artistry, including some works by Janice Blair.

Shopped at table after table of fabulous arrays of lacemaking goodies from outstanding artisans and sensational shops.

Watched gorgeous lace in the process of being made.

What a memorable experience! So glad that I was able to attend this major event, with the very pleasant company of the lovely ladies of the Lighthouse Lacers guild.
Many thanks and high praise for a job well done to the Land of Lincoln Lacemakers for hosting the 2008 Convention of the International Old Lacers, Inc.

Thanks also to Kate Henry, who graciously allowed me to take some photos of her beautiful collection of 18th century lace.

How exciting! I wish I could have been there with you! I'd love to meet Georgia and Mark.
Sounds fabulous, so nice to see your photos...almost like being there. Thanks.
You Lucky ducky!!!! You got to go to the IOLI convention! How exciting! Thanks for sharing the experience. It looks like you really enjoyed it from the photos.
Yes, Diane - it was exciting! Georgia is soooo nice! So is tat-man Mark! A real thrill to meet them both! I got to meet so many other really nice people too, I'm just really bad at remembering names. Some of them have books out, or are on the IOLI board, or were having a great time in their classes, etc. Such a gathering of wonderful folks, all interested in lace.
I'm glad you enjoyed the photos, tatskool. There was so much to see!
LOL, you are so right, tattingchic, I am a lucky ducky! Just had to brag that "I was there" since I usually miss out on the big get-togethers.
WOW Mariliee,
How AWESOME and undoubtably inspiring yes? What a wonderful experience!
Thanks ladyshuttlemaker, you are right - it was awesome! In 2009 they are doing it in California. You'll be back in Idaho by then, so maybe you'll get to that one.
I don't know that they'd let me in to more than one exhibit once word got out that I drooled at all the displays... Such gorgeous work *sigh* Thanks for sharing the eye candy!
I think there were a lot of folks trying hard to control the drooling, LOL! Glad you enjoyed the photos, Chandra. These just show a little peek - there was so much to see!
I was lucky that it was close enough this year for me to attend for the day.
ack! I'm so jealous!
LOL, wickedtats - maybe someday we will all get to tat together! At least we can do it via the Internet.
You are really Lucky ... It's sound exciting.... Some day I'll be there ... (I hope)!!!
It's nice you share the experiencies with us. I feel like ..I was there too...
What a wonderful experience. I am so happy for you. Maybe one day I can be there and meet all of those people plus you! Thank you for sharing with us.
Thank you, Meme! Yes, I was so very lucky to be able to attend the convention this year. I am glad you enjoyed the photos. Maybe someday we will be able to meet at a lace event, too!
Tattycat, I hope we get the chance to meet someday, too. We have both been lucky enough to meet lace-lovin' librarian - a total delight, isn't she?!
Maybe someday we will ALL have the chance to attend a big gathering of tatters, wow! I bet we wouldn't get much tatting done then, LOL!
I had hoped to go up with my lace group members on Wednesday of that week but was just too busy. You got to meet Kate Henry? She's from our lace group but I have never met her! Glad you had such a great time and got to meet such great people.
:-) Gina
Gina, I wish you had been able to come too. Kate Henry is a very nice lady, and has many, many pieces of antique lace in her collection. The photos I showed here are just a tiny sampling.
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