Whew! It was fun, but tiring.
Lots of people stopped to look at my tatted jewelry, and comments ranged from, "How intricate! Oh, so beautiful!" to "That looks so tedious. You'll go blind." Well, you know - it takes all sorts. I encouraged people to take my business card and check out my blog and the many other tatting blog links, so they could find out for themselves that tatting is NOT a "lost art", and that I am NOT the "last person on the planet" doing it!
I did make some sales, and better yet - so many people showed interest in taking a tatting class, that the organizer of the

Hi Marilee,
So glad to hear your lovely experience at Artisan Market. Tatting is definitely not a lost art. I wish we had a market of such where I live. I just noticed that you give permission to sell or give away items tatted from your patterns. I think that is great!
Congratulations on your sales at the Artisan Market! That is fabulous that you got some interest in some tatting classes! Way to go! I ♥ hearing stuff like that! Looking forward to hearing more about that later!
Exciting! I hope you get a great teaching gig out of all that!
Fox : )
Congratulations! I'm glad it was a good experience and may lead to even more!
My husband just saw a piece on the Dallas news about how sewing is coming into vogue and machines are "flying" off the shelves and classes being booked. I wonder how long it will take for that renewed interest to filter through all the creative arts? Just in the few short months I have been blogging, there seems to have been a surge of new tatting bloggers and you KNOW that not all tatters blog...so you may have a very full class indeed!
:) Ann
Congratulations on such a successful show!! The large tatted necklace on display is awesome. Good luck with your tatting classes.
Congrats on the show!! You have such beautiful tatting to sell.
I demo tatting with my lace guild, so I've heard about all the comments you can imagine. Even still, people are so impressed & interested in tatting.
Good luck with your classes! Your students will have no idea what a great & creative instructor they're getting!
Congrats on your sales and possible classes! I am really upset I didn't get to be there this year that I have sticky notes posted so people (husband) can't book me so full on that weekend! But I was with you in spirit! I found another tatter near me and we are making plans to get together and work on it. Who knows maybe we can have a field trip up your way when you are teaching and take a class! I think next year you need a shirt that says 'Only Dinaosaurs are extinct NOT Tatters!'
Oh I love the sound of that T-Shirt! Hope your class gets off the ground..and that you hit the ground running!
Thanks so much, everyone. I agree that the dinosaur quote is a great idea for a t-shirt!
Congratulations. Your masterpiece are really an inspiration to me. Yes, tatting is so not lost art :)
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