Ok, I got carried away and made too much "Rhubarb Pie"...

...more than I have time to load into my shop all at once. Sorry - I'll add the finer sizes and the mini sets on Monday.

I also got the bright idea (crazy idea?) of dyeing some yarns for other purposes than tatting in the same colors.
There is even a linen, that I think might work for bobbin lace.
So, that is what I've been up to this week.
Is there such a thing as too much dyed thread and fiber?
I'm with Sherry! Is that boucle I spy? Please, don't get a tummy ache from too much rhubarb pie!
You can never have to much HDT and some of the fibers you have chosen are very interesting.
Are you crazy? There is no such thing as too much HDT, especially Rhubarb Pie!!! I'm sure it will disappear quickly. The other fibers are lovely. I'd love to knit a sweater out of that boucle. I'll have to check out the shop.
Thank you for the encouragement - so nice to hear from all of you!
I tried to choose yarns that not so many etsy sellers were doing. I am thinking about activating the "request custom item" button in my shop. Has anybody had any experience with how it works? At any rate it's nice to receive approval from other "fiber fanatics".
Too much HDT...oh, you poor dear, would be happy to take a donation to help lighten the load...you know, just to make it easier on YOU..always thinking of you...that pie does look delish, by the way.
The knobbly thread looks good enough to eat. What a fab' idea.
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