Well, I looked out the window of my home here in cold Wisconsin this morning, and saw that it was snowing again. I decided to cheer myself and others up by having a giveaway! I realize that to folks living in warmer climates or "down under" the equator, snow at this time may be something to enviously covet - but I can't pack and ship snow, LOL ;-)
So, the giveaway will include hand dyed thread, plus a random bead assortment! Please leave one comment on this post to be entered in the giveaway. Three winners will be chosen at random on Friday, February 25.
Readers of this blog from outside of the U.S. are welcome to enter this giveaway. The package will be marked "gift".
Oh, my GOSH. Please count me in on this giveaway. I LOVE your HDT. When my stash peters out I'm going to be ordering loads. Beads too? I envy the winner.
Oh Yes!!! So ready for spring. Please count me in. I love your thread and a chance to win.
Certainly can't pass this one up!
WOW - count me in PLEASE! Can't resist your wonderful threads.
Thank you for continuing to be SO generous
Well I'm glad we don't have any more snow!
...and I'd love to win some of your delicious threads :-)
Pick me, pick me! Oh such beautiful eye candy!!
Please enter me. A little bit of spring feeling would be very good here too:-)
In my garden is snow again this morning:-(
WOW! How exciting! I love your HDT! Please count me in!
Wish I could send you some of this warm weather from down here in lower Alabama!
I would try and send spring your way, but it hasn't made it here yet either. Yesterday we shoveled about 2 feet of snow out of the drive(and my husband said spring was here cuz' he saw a robin-I told him he was too early). :)
ooh such pretty thread! Nothing like some cheery colors to help look forward to Spring.
No snow in England just rain and more rain!
Your HDT are just gorgeous and I just feel like picking them off the screen! And you can never have enough beads either. Please count me in.
A bit of spring would be also welcome in Poland - it's snowing here too.
Wonderful giveaway, please, count me in :)
I'm super ready for spring!
Cheer me up!
I'm jumping up and down with my hand up to be picked!
You are very generous to do this...
Count me in - I love your HDT. AND I'm ready for spring too :)
Please put me in! I'd love to have a chance to win some of your beautiful thread.
Thank you for the opportunity.I love your books and I really get a lot from your site.
Please count me in, I love your hand dyed threads, they are so beautiful!
Oh, what beautiful goodies! They definitely make me long for spring. We had another four inches of icy snow last night here in MD. (sigh).
Please, please pick me? :)
Oh, your threads are absolutely gorgeus!
Please count me in )
Please, count me in.
I love, your colorfull HDT. It's so cheerfull at this late winter time. It's snowing in Poland too.
Please count me in- I so love your threads.
Such beautiful colors! I'd love to win.
Please enter me. Those colors are FANTASTIC!
Though I can't complain about the weather down here in San Diego. We've been getting rain, but it actually warmed up enough to go surfing over the weekend. Hope that doesn't disqualify me...
Oh, so pretty! I would love to win one of these sets. By the way, I have made your remembrance ring and love it! You can see it here: http://www.deborahfillmer.com/2011/01/22/week-three-were-expecting/
Oh, thank you, thank you! I've never won anything but I'll enter anyway. I love your hand-dyed threads and those colours are so cheerful, gorgeous!
Oh, your threads are absolutely gorgeus!!!!!!!!!!
Please count me in :)
your are my mrs santa claus. Pls count me in.
I can't pass up an opportunity to own more of your gorgeous hand dyed threads...count me in :)
Please add me to the list of entries. What a great way to start spring!
Sitting on my couch sighing because of the cold! A giveaway is a nice pick-me-up; thanks!
Count me in.
Love the colors! gives me a feeling of spring, we are having forecasts of snow - again - tomorrow! Would love to win your giveaway.
Oh! I love these colors. I need spring to come so much!
mmmm HDT! Please enter me in this amazing vibrant giveaway. :)
Count me in, your threads are beautiful.
I love your HDT, it would be so great to have some, specialy in such a gorgeous colours. Would be like a dream come true
I so want to be included in your giveaway!! In fact, if I won you could just slip the winnings in with my last order of your "I can't resist it thread! Sandy Cofer
Snow in Ohio. Please enter me in your giveaway. And yes, I am so ready for spring!
Too pretty for words!!
What better tatting project than to be able to make one of your necklaces with your HDT and beads!!
Please count me in, and thank you so very much!!
Free HDT and free beads?!?! Sign me up!!! What a lovely, generous giveaway, and just looking at your threads cheers me up! Thank you!
What a wonderful giveaway! Our snow just started this morning so your timing couldn't be better.
Thanks so much!
HDT giveaway?!?! Count me in please:-) I LOVE the wonderful colors...so bright and vibrant. It would be such a joy win!
I am with you all the way about winter. Enough snow already! So nice of you I hope I am one of the lucky 3 to win! I love your thread and am glad to see your tatting class going so well. Will look forward to seeing you hopefully so!
Ohhh my goodness... yummy colors!
I LOVE LOVE colors!!!
Thanks for a chance !
Enthusiastically hopping on the bandwagon here in Pittsburgh, where we're still in shock over the UNPREDICTED 9" of snow we got yesterday. DH and I don't have to go out in it, but the poor workers were stuck in traffic for hours! I see the storm stretched back to your area!
Thanks for this generous giveaway!
i would love to win some of your hdt, thank you for posting the giveaway and please enter me in. thank you
Wonderful giveaway!!!
Thanks for a chance:)
Greetings from Poland:))))
We've got the earliest flowers blooming down here in the south - just the beginnings of spring, but sure proof that it IS coming! After it gets here, we'll send it on up to you! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway because I love tatting with your hand dyed thread!
Thanks for the chance to win some hand dyed thread. I would love to win this
I love colors, your colors, Krystle's colors, just give me colors!!!
me too please. That is so generous of you. I love my hdt and, as a new tatter, love your patterns.
Please count me in. I'm in need of an early spring :)
Please count me in! And greetings from Poland. It's very frosty in poland now, so I need some breath of spring:)
I love your thread, they are so lovely to use. The colours are so bright and cheerful in the photo, I need Spring to arrive, we are past the snow stage, just buried in mud, I think that is worse.
Please include me the colours look fantastic. just what we need to help look forward to spring
That is so kind of you to share that beautiful thread and pretty beads. Our snow has gone and I hope we won't have more.
happy tatting
I am so interested in your threads and tatting. At the moment I crochet but would love to try something new. Thanks
Everyone can use a bit of springtime right now! Please enter me in for your drawing as I love nothing more than oooing and aaaahing over your thread.
janers41 at yahoo dot com
What a beautiful prize! It would make a beautiful embellished crazy quilt. My fingers are crossed:)
Please count me in!
It's big chance for me(and all your fan).
And I linked your beautyful blog on mine.Thank you for your permission.
So beautiful, I'd love to have some of your work!
I dream about this thread :)
How fantastic! Please count me in, your threads are gorgeous.
I love your colours :)
and please count me in
I love your hand dyed thread and would be overjoyed to be one of the lucky winners. Plus, I can use a little sunshine in the middle of this snow!
Beautiful HDT and please count me in :)
Thanks for a chance :)
The give away is so beautiful I would probably just have to sit and pet it for a week.
Oh, please count me in. That lovely HDT would certainly brighten up anyone's day.
I would love to be part of your giveaway. I am glad to be in the warmer climate for now. Love your work and books.
Please count me in on the givaway! I am so longing for spring. Visited London this weekend and got a glimpse of it but now I am back home in the north with -26 Celsius.
I love your patterns and your threads!
What a lovely gift--too good to pass up. Please count me in for the drawing.
I will love to have more of your thread, I am already loving the ones I have from you.
What wonderful warm and bright colors for a cold season :)
I miss snow a lot. Please count me in.
Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! You know I love your thread, so winning some would be a wonderful Gift. Thank you for the opportunity.
Oh yes please! I'd love some more of your lucious thread goodies!
Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! Spring can't come too early for me this year. Please add my name for a chance to win.
I'll swap your snow for our oppressive humidity any day! - and the threads would be nice too!
I'd love to win some.
Here in Western NY I understand your comment about snowing..... again, or is it still LOL.
Thank you for your generous give away, you will help Spring to come early for 3 lucky people.
oohhh what lovely gifts. Thanks Marilee for the offer
Please I like it to be in this giveaway and when don't win well I want to order some thread I love them.
Oh, my oh me!!! Please count me in on this giveaway. I love your HDT Thread.
Would love to enter and win your give away. Beautiful HDT. Thanks - Robert, in northern Iowa.
Please enter me in your draw. It was snowing here this morning too, so this is really good timing.
Please enter me into your wonderful giveaway. I cannot believe that you are doing this. I LOVE your tatting thread. Thank you so much.
OMG, your threads are beautiful!Still have 4 ft of snow in front yard, could use some "color"
Wow what a great gift away!!! Please count me in!!!!
The threads are beautiful. They would cheer anyone up after all the cold weather.
LeVert92 at aol.com
Please include me in the giveaway. Your HDTs are something not to be missed.
toooo cuuteee. i would love too win.
Whoo Hoo you have such beautiful threads, and I'm just a beginner shuttle tatter. Please include me in your giveaway, and thanks for your great instructions and beginner patterns.
oh! count me in too :) I never do things like this, but it's a nice excuse to say the threads i bought from Etsy have arrived and they are Lovely!
Love the giveaway please enter me! Would love to try some of your HDT!
Terrific Give Away. Count me in too please. Like you, I am SO ready for Spring! I got my sandals out today even though there is still snow on the ground here too...lol
Me me me! Please choose me! We have no snow here in Georgia (It was near 80F today.) But we do sometimes have a freak show storm in March. Daffodils are even coming up thinking it's spring already. Love your thread!
Me, me! Oh, pick me!
My mom taught me to tat when I was 15. Good times.
Count me in! I wound love HDT.
Please- I'd love to be on this giveaway! I love your unfolding heart and so do my non-tatting friends who got one for Valentine's!
Please let me be in your giveaway! I NEED an early Spring!
C'mon, SPRING!!!
Please add me in. I am in so much need of early spring. This snow and ice is just getting to me
Wow, wow, wow! I've got to be in on this one. There goes another little bit of thread sacrificed to the Random Number gods!
Please count me in. I love your threads! I am hoping that you can dye some more Tourmaline and Nightwind to for the shop!
We've got two inches of snow here, and a layer of ice on top of it. I had to cancel the craft class I was teaching today because my car was so covered in ice I couldn't get in it! I could definitely use with a little spring cheer... :D
Your giveaways are super cool. Thank you.
Love your threads!!A very nice give a way. Spring will arrive soon up North.. Thank you for hosting this beautiful give a way.
Your threads are lovely. I'd love to win. Thanks so much for the little breath of sunshine on a cold cloudy day.
Absolutely beautiful colors! Love your thread! Please include me. Thanks! Dyan
Cool! Please count me in :)
Thank you for having this giveaway. 111 entries, wow!! Like everyone else here - I love, love your threads.
Oh WoW! How generous of you! I'm having the same thoughts - I'm ready for winter to be over!
Thank you for entering me in this giveaway!
I'm so ready for spring too. We had a bad snow storm in Pittsburgh last night and school was cancelled today.
I would love a chance to win your most generous giveaway.
THank You!!
This former Wisconsonite would LOVE to be entered in your give away! I love your thread.
Cindy in Chilly Alaska rbqdalaska@yahoo.com
I would like to pick my lottery ticket please...Love to be part of the drawing. I can"t wait to try out your pattern from your newest book. I just have to be patient and be at the postman's mercy. ^_^
Beautiful, Marilee! I like purple. :D
Please pick me, please pick me, please pick me :) Was browsing your etsy shop for your beautiful HDTs !
Thank you for the opportunity to win some of your wonderfully cheerful colors.
Connie Angeline
Please, please enter my name. Your HDT is among my favorites and I'd give them a good home. It'd be familiar here, too, since the forcast is 6"+ snow heading our way to go on top of what we have from last storm. Karen in OR
You bet people like me is totally envious of the snow in your yard. ;) I would definitely like an opportunity to go experience it for myself there.
Ohh, pls do count me in on your fab HDT and beads giveaway. Can't miss that!
Please count me in too! Here we woke up not to only snow,,,but a car wreck. Thank YHWH, no one was hurt. It was a couple of older ladies.
We are soooo ready for Spring here for sure!
Definitely in need of some spring. Please count me in.
WOO HOO! Count me in!!
Would love to win some of your beautiful thread! What a generous way to help us all 'keep going' until the snow melts. Thank you!
I absolutely love your hand-dyed threads and I am impatiently waiting to be done my degree so that I will have the spending money to buy some (or lots!). Until then, giveways are my hope for some of the amazing colours!
Marilee...yoohoo :) Its totally awesome of you to do this, Please count me in. Your threads and the choice of beads are lovely!
And Snow... I love snow just that I have never seen it :(.
Please count me in. The threads and beads are just lovely looking!
We had such a lovely little warm spell and then back to chilly again, but not so cold as you.
Come on, spring!
Please count me in on this giveaway
With this extremely early spring giveaway, spring and will definitely come in my place.The colour are very beautiful.
Oh! Please enter me in this wonderful givaway. I love to tat with your thread. The colours are so beautiful.
Hampshire UK
Please count me in. I really realy would like to get the beautiful threads!
En extremely beautiful giveaway! Please count me in!
This isthe first time to send e-mail.
I love your Tatting .
Please count me in on this giveway.
count me in on this giveaway;]always when I look at your HDT Iam so delighted ;]
In my city there is about 50cm of snow;p its snowing since last friday... :(
brrr... ;]
Hi! News from the south of France : here the weather is quite windy but sunny today (lucky me!!!) but I must say your picture of your stairway covered with snow is really beautiful. And your threads, as usual, are gorgeous. Count me in please ;)
In the north of Poland there is a lot of snow and yesterday it was -15 ... might it be your giveaway that it's -5 and the sun is shining today??? Lovely HDT and beads! Gosh ... how I wish to be the lucky one :o)
I like this giveaway, it is so very colorful.
How lovely! Please count me in. Looks like you have had your fair share of snow up there. We in Idaho haven't had much.
Have a great day.
Please include me in your drawing. I love your HDT.
DebinWV at yahoo dot com
Love your hand dyed threads and would certainly be a real treat to win. Thank goodness, we have had some nice warm weather this week. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.
What a truly wonderful gift..... definitely inspiration and joy for the welcome return of Springtime. Please do include me in this giveaway and may the beauty of the Springtime fill your heart with gladness.
wooo please count me in!
Adore your work and envy your talent!!! You are so generous. Thank you for making winter brighter. Sallie
Please count me in. I attempted to teach myself tatting, but was not successful. I will be attempting again, and again, until I get it right.
What a wonderful give away. You are getting what we did last year. Lets both hope for an early spring. I do love you HDT.
Yum! Count me in. The thread colors are gorgeous.
Thank you Marylee, your threads are beautiful!Would love to participate. I decided to clean my windows up from winterdecoration, and took the white snowstars away. The cold wheather came back ,grrr -10 °C, fortunately no snow to stay,... but I have smelled the spring already, the sun was already so shiny and warm. Please send the thread and keep the snow ;-)).
Look at that! You certainly have a knack for colours!
I want to take part...
Wow! Please add me to your "Extremely very early spring giveaway" Your threads are just beautiful.
ohhh ohhhh... please include me in the drawing... i LOVE the colours... they are soooo beautiful... shey..
Oooh! I've never had the pleasure of using hand dyed thread to tat, and you do such lovely work. Please sign me up!
I love the colors of your thread and a chance to win some and beads, too - can't pass that up!
We don't have snow but we've gone from 70s last week to only 30s and windy - a wonderful taste of spring to be taken away, how sad. But it is only February, what else can we expect? Whoever wins will get to enjoy a little spring inside with their prize no matter the weather outside.
OMG....I love your HDT's. These colors are just fantastic. Please include me in your drawing.
those are beautiful colors and I have not any of your HDTs...
Count me in!!!! Oh, to have one of your hand dyed threads . . . Heavenly!
These threads are lovely! Count me in, please :)
ooh fingers crossed love the colour combinations will prob spend six months taking it out the envelope admiring the colours and putting it back :D whilst trying to decide on a project worthy of it's use
I'd send you some buttercups, but I don't think they'd survive through the mail.. They tend to only last about a day and a half here! Please count me in on the giveaway!
Please count me in. As many others have said, your threads are gorgeous and I would love the chance to win some.
blood_filled_dream at hotmail dot com
I think it just took me five minutes just to scroll through all the comments, but that ain't stoppin' me! Add my name to the "hat" too please!!! :-* ...That way maybe I can stop drooling all over my keyboard and actually play with some of your HDT!!! LOL.
-Stephanie Grace
StephanieGraceCrafts [at] gmail [dot] com
Beautiful, beautiful threads! Each batch you do seems to get better and better.
LOL 162 comments when I got here. Now you know how many would love to get something *free*. Count me among them -- I have put myself on restricted tatting spending until I get a few more projects done!
Please please count me I'm!!! I love how beautiful you HDT is! Thanks
164 comments and counting. I wish I could be that lucky winner ! The color of your yarn is truly beautiful. mcleodhandcraftgifts
Please count me in -- I love your threads!
What a lovely pick-me-up! Nearly missed this one! Count me in please!
Fox : )
I love your thread. Please include me in this drawing.
Please count me in. I loooooove your thread. We have been getting snow all day. Then thaw a little now it is ice and snow out here in WA.
I would like to be included in the chance to win some of your gorgeous thread :)
gorgeous thread and giveaway. please pick me ;)
Greatings from Poland :)
Thank you for your generosity and giving people happy thoughts of spring.:)
Someone is going to be very lucky when they win this! :) Very generous of you, thanks!
Oh, yay a giveaway of fabu thread & beads. Hope I win!!
Hi Yarn Player! I'm new reading your blog. I have seen your tatting work and your HDT they are absolutely beautiful. I'm Irma from Mexico I'd like to participate in the giveaway.
This is awesome. I enjoy looking at all your colorways and would enjoy the chance to tat with them.
Kathy Redford
Love the threads! Would be honored to tat with them.
I like it very much :)
best wishes from Poland!
This is so kind of you! I have to admit to some beautiful weather here in TX! On the other hand, during the summer I'm sure you'll be enjoying cooler days than I will! Have a fantastic day!
OH yes, yes! PLEASE enter me in the giveaway!
My little number may be near the bottom, but I'm hoping that it turns up TOPS and is one of the BIG 3 winners.
Your wonderful threads are so irresistable. And since the IRS check hasn't arrived yet, a giveaway prize is the only way I can enjoy them (for now...)
Thank you for hosting this early Spring treat!
I'm late to the party, but would love a shot at more of your lovely thread. A generous spring impulse indeed!
How generous of you! As a fellow winter wonderland Wisconsinite, I understand your desire to chase away the gloomy winter blahs. What a great way to do it!
I'm definitely ready for spring!
Would it be rude of me to enter this giveaway? I really do love your thread, and I can never have enough pretty beads! Hope you get spring soon :)
great idea to do a give away to cheer yourself and others up this cold cold winter.....even in the south (NC) where I live it has been the coldest winter I can remember.
Wow, 185 wonderful, inspiring, heart-warming comments! I've enjoyed reading them so much! Thank you, everyone. I will close commenting on this post now, and use a random number generator to choose 3 winners.
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