This necklace is made in two halves, which are joined together while working. The left hand side (as you are looking at the necklace facing you) is made first; it is the half shown in the diagram. Then the right hand side is made, joining while working to the central picots. The neck cord given in the pattern is just a zig-zag chain, but embellishments can be added!
For pattern as pdf click here.
Supplies: - Size 10 6-cord mercerized crochet cotton.
- 24 seed beads size 8 (8/0). These are a little larger seed bead.
- 9 pearl beads size 4 mm (referred to in this pattern as medium bead)
- 1 pearl bead size 6 mm (referred to in this pattern as large bead)
- "Lobster claw" clasp finding
- 2 tatting shuttles
- Small steel crochet hook for tricky joins and for bead stringing

Shuttles are numbered 1 (normal shuttle position) and 2 (ball position). They switch positions as needed.
String 19 sb onto the thread. Wind shuttles with 18 sb on sh 1, 1 sb on sh 2.
Start at large R 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (13 p) cl. Center R of 2+ (to first p of large R) 2--(3 cm when open, it will need to be able to hold 3 mb when closed with room to j) 2-3--(15mm when open, it will need to be able to hold 1 lg b when closed with room to join) 3, cl. Do not RW, SS.
Ch 5-4+(to 2nd p of large R) 3--(containing 17 sb, do not pull tight but allow sb to dangle with bare thread exposed on each end of p equal in size to about 1 sb) 12+ (to 7th p of large R).
Ch 7, RW. R 6+6 (to large p with 3 mb added before j).
SS. Ch 8, sh j to end of pr Ch. RW, SS.
Ch 11. Then sh j into the tiny space bet end of prev Ch and the R. ---
Now comes the row of SR "flowers". SR of 2p/3p, 1 ds bet. Note: the st on the back side of the SR are worked in reverse order with 2nd half, then 1st half so the st unbroken by the p are all on the same side. For this project I consider the "picots only" side up to be most effective in giving a flower-like appearance. Do a total of 4 of these SR. RW.
R 6+6 (to large p with 3 mb on it) cl, RW. Ch 11. RW. R4+4 (to small p on center R) cl, SS. Ch 1--(3 cm long when open) 12. Sh j to end of lower Ch. RW, SS. SR 6/5, SR 5/4, SR 4/4 SR 4/4, SR 4/3, continuing with ZZ Ch 4/4, p, 4/4. Sh j to end of 1st SR flower. RW. SS. ZZ Ch 4/4, sj to p of prev Ch. ZZ Ch 7 sets of 4/4. RW. R 5 + 6 (j bet 1st and 2nd SR). RW. SR 5/4. Slide up 1 sb from each sh. Secure with lock stitch.
Continue with ZZ Ch of sets of 4/4 for neck cord. After about 7 1/2 inches, end with R of 5+5 (j to clasp).
The other side of the necklace is worked in pretty much the same way, with some minor changes since it is mirror image to the first side.
Only 5 sb need to be strung, putting 4 on sh 1, 1 on sh 2. Start with the center R instead of the large R, joining with the lg b to the corresponding p of finished side.
You will need to RW instead of SS to do the Ch after the large R on this side. J to the corresponding p of finished side.
When j to the large beaded p, have 7 sb hang near the tatting, 10 sb away. RW and SS before the flowers on this side. The flowers are 3p/2p on this side. After flowers do not RW. Use sh closest to 6+6 R to make it.
After Ch 1+(with 3 mb to corresponding p of finished side)12, do not RW. SR row is 5/6, 4/5, 4/4, 4/4, 3/4. Tat the ZZ Ch neck cord for about 4 inches and then 8/8 split rings for about 3 inches or length desired. Finish with a normal 8-8 R, with the 3 remaining sb in the p.
Copyright © Marilee Rockley 2006
b beadsbet betweenCh chaincl closecm centimeterds double stitchj join+ joinlg b large beadmb medium beadmm millimeterp picot- picot-- large picotpr previousR ringRW reverse worksb seed beadmb medium beadmm millimeterp picot- picot-- large picotsep separatedsh shuttlesh j shuttle join, or locking joinSR split ringSS switch shuttlesst stitch/ separates stitches on each side of split ring, or sets of ric-rac tattingZZ zig-zag, or ric-rac tatting of set stitches (first half of ds repeated a number of times, followed by second half repeated a number of times, completing one set)