Just one more week to prepare for the Discovery World Artisans and Entrepreneurs Holiday Market! I am beginning to get nervous about it - my biggest fear is that my booth will look sparse and pitiful compared to the other booths. So I will be dyeing one more large batch ("Pansy") this week, but that one will not go into my Etsy shop until after the show. I am also working on a couple of necklaces I hope to get done, and as many earrings as possible! In the harvest art fair I did last summer, the earrings were what sold. I'll be demonstrating tatting, and I'll have a sign-up sheet for people who may be interested in tatting lessons.
The very next day I am playing my cello in the MFSO "Messiah" concert! So Dec. 6-7 will be a very busy weekend!
No need to get nervous, Marilee! You'll be fine and all of your things will sell like hotcakes. I love the "Messiah", too. Oh, how I wish I could go. Enjoy yourself!
Pshew! You're wearing me out! Remember to enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Thanks, Steph, for the encouraging words! I'll try to get some good photos of the festivities to share.
Don't worry, Gina, I'm having the time of my life! It probably sounds more hectic on the blog than it actually is.
I love Handel's Messiah! Is that what you are playing? I would love to hear you play in your concert. Everyone will love the colors of your beautiful threads. Please please please save some "Pansy" for me. Pansies were my favorite grandmother's flower...my grandmother who tatted.
Your weekend is going to be fabulous! Don't forget to take a minute to enjoy it all!
You're right, tattingchic, we are playing Handel's Messiah. This will be around my 9th year playing it.
That's neat that your grandmother liked pansies - what size "Pansy" thread would you like?
Ladyshuttlemaker, I'm really looking forward to it! I'll make sure to get some photos so my tatting friends can share the enjoyment, too.
Good luck at the market Marilee, I am sure your booth will be the envy of others with all the wonderful colours you will have on display. Handel's Messiah is my one sign that Christmas is near. Wish I could be there to hear it.
Thanks, Clyde. I really value the encouragement of my tatting friends; it helps me to have the "guts" to "venture out there".
Participating in Handel's Messiah is an incredible experience. If there is an ensemble nearby that is performing it live, it's definitely worth the effort to attend.
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