The big news - I'm going to be a vendor in an art fair! Hopefully the poster will get bigger if you click on it. I will be bringing the contents of my etsy shop and my books, and I will demonstrate tatting! The plan is to have a sign-up sheet for people to put their contact info on if they are interested in tatting classes.
The necklace center is beautiful! Milwaukee... hmmm... only about 4 hours away...
The tatted centerpiece is stunning Marilee. Your work just gets more and more astounding all the time!
I hope you have some assistance at the holiday show....yours will be a very popular booth!
The necklace is just beautiful. Good luck and congratulations on the fair. Lady Shuttle Maker is right - you will need help!
The necklace is so pretty :) I love it!!
Good Luck at the show!!
Diane, wish you were a few hours closer!
Thanks, ladyshuttlemaker, I'm glad you like it! My DH says he will help me at the show - how sweet of him :-)
Thank you, tattycat, I do hope luck will be on my side! It should be a very busy day.
Thank you, Heather! I plan to finish the necklace and display it at the show.
Your necklace center is fabulous, really! It's totally awesome. I'm with Sherry, your work DOES get more and more astounding all the time!
Have fun being a vendor at the art fair! It sounds like it will be an amazing opportunity for you!
Great work on the necklace Marilee. Good luck at the craft show and don't be surprised if you get a lot of people interested in learning how to tat. I have seen an increase in people who are interested in learning lately.
Thanks so much for the encouragement, tattingchic. You are right, this art fair is an amazing opportunity - and it's a juried art fair, so there is a certain degree of prestige in being permitted to exhibit at it.
Clyde, I do hope some people will be interested in learning to tat. I hope that by demonstrating at this art fair, people will realize that tatting is a very interesting craft to learn, and is definitely alive and well!
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