There has been a little progress on this necklace design. I like the interlocking beaded picots at the center, but I have discovered that my original plan for the large picots with beads dangling won't work. So my next idea is to add some more tatting at the lower edge to connect these dangling picots to.
I took my "Boutique Tatting" book to show the office ladies at the dentist! (Well, I had been telling them about it while I was still working on it, and they said they wanted to see it when finished!) The dentist himself was so impressed, he took a photo of me with it to put in his newsletter! Even a patient still in an exam chair asked to see it! Such excitement, it almost made the dental bills seem not so bad...almost, LOL.
Marilee, your creation gets more interesting with each post. I cannot wait to see what it looks like when you are done.
Hi Marilee, a not tatting friend gave your blog-adress to me recently. Congratulation to your colourful work! One can see the fun you have "playing "with it!
I agree with Clyde... your posts always keep me intrigued! Now about the dentist bill...
Thank you, Clyde, I am glad you enjoy watching my experiments!
Thank you, perlin-guni, for visiting my blog, and for the nice compliments. Yes, you are right, I do have fun "playing with it"!
Diane, I'm glad you are intriqued!
Oh dear, that dentist bill, sigh...it means I will have to make more HDT to sell...but I am sure HDT addicts will not mind in the least, LOL :-)
So sorry to hear you had to go to the dentist, but glad to hear that everyone was so excited about your book. Someone emailed me recently about it and I did tell them it was DEFINATELY worth it. So much information and beautiful patterns and so well explained AND all for a reasonable price. It's a fabulous book.
Anyway, your beautiful new design is coming along. Love the new way you've intertwined the picots. I love how you play with tatting designs.
Thank you, tattingchic. Actually, I was taking 2 of my sons to the dentist that day, and they are the ones who ran up the big dentist bill...sigh, the sacrifices mothers make for their kids...(can you hear the tiny violin playing...or, in my case, an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny cello, LOL)
Thank you so much for the nice things you said about my book, and that is wonderful to hear that you are giving it your "tattingchic seal of approval". That really means a lot!
Hi Marilee, Your designs are all so beautiful, this one is no exception. I love the shape it is taking. Will this pattern be in a book? What are the larger size beads you are using, pearls? I can't wait to see how the necklace looks when done.
How awesome that you are getting so much exposure with your tatting, even where you expect it least.
Have a great day!!
Thanks, Carol, glad you like how it is coming so far. This one is an "experiment", but if there are any good results at all, I will try to improve and then re-do it. If it seems good enough, I may then offer the pattern in some form.
The larger size beads are 4mm. I think they may be a type of agate, but I really don't know.
Have a great day too!
This is magnificent! I love red and white together and this makes my mouth water!
Thank you, Tattycat! I'm just doing the "roughing out" process in white to figure out the design. I'm glad you like the red beads with it.
Hi Yarnplayer, It's me again, LOL! I just wanted to let you know that I took a photo with you in mind when I was at Lace Day last weekend. I'd love for you to come and take a peek at me "Lace Day in LA" post! :)
The floss-threader tute is just brilliant! I've scheduled links to this post and your tutorial to go live on my blog tomorrow morning (Central USA time). I hope they bring you a few extra clicks.
A feature on Needlework News - how very cool!!! Thanks much, Denise.
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