More trouble than they're worth
These hair clips with 5 holes seemed like they would work so well for attaching tatting, but I fear the effort of opening and closing them will have all that work looking a sorry mess very quickly. So, on to other things.
They sure look cute, tho', I like the colors you chose.
That is to bad as they sure do look pretty.
I've never seen clips like these. They're adorable! I wonder what could be used in those holes... it sure would be a shame to mess up the tatting.
Sooo cute! They look great. OmonSan
What a shame as they look so pretty!
Thanks, everyone. These clips are wider than the standard ones and require more force to open and close, so that's why the 3-D tatting would get messed up. Maybe just some tatting dangling from the edge would work.
They sure are pretty - I would be afraid of the holes in the metal causing the thread to wear over time. Are they smooth holes?
The holes seem smooth enough, I guess. I tried putting a coiled jump ring on, but the holes are placed too far in for that.
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