Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Steampunk style belt tatting pattern

The pattern is finally done! Really, I had forgotten all about it until someone showed me a picture from my post in 2014 and asked to buy the pattern. Well it is finished now and is listed in my Etsy shop here. The details are in the listing description.

The size 3 thread makes quite a bold and sturdy eye-catching accessory. I'm sure finer threads could be used for a more delicate lace (with smaller buttons, beads and ribbons to correspond) but I have not tried it. I like the "wow" of the big belt, and yes, it is sturdy, due to the central joining picots set at an angle. The end ribbons tie like a sash with a bow in back, so the belt is one size fits all.

The shank buttons are purely decorative and serve no practical function except to look "steampunk". Note: they really do need to be "shank" buttons for this project (not buttons with holes). There are loads of "steampunk shank buttons" offered for sale on the Internet. Please do not ask me where I bought mine - it was 10 years ago!




Jane McLellan said...

There should be more tatted belts!

Melissa said...

Wow, that is stunning!

Phyllis said...

Very nice. Another amazing pattern!